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Life Page Header Icon - heart shape on a shield

Life Insurance

Protect those you love with financial security and peace of mind.

Start my term life quote    

For permanent policies, please call us at 1-800-964-2532

Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Icon - hourglass with some sand in top and bottom


An affordable policy that offers protection for a set period of time.

Coverage Length
10 – 30 Years

Best for Ages
0 – 70 Years

Builds Cash Value?

Explore Term Plans    

Permanent Life Icon - red heart shape with a cardiac beat wave


A life-long policy that builds cash value allowing you to borrow money against it if needed.

Coverage Length
Your lifetime

Best for Ages
0 – 80 Years

Builds Cash Value?

Explore Permanent Plans    
Looking to protect your own future with a non-qualified annuity?

What will your family do without your income? Here's how life insurance can help.

Home Mortgage Icon - generic, simple house

Your Home Mortgage

Could your family cover the monthly mortgage payment if your income is no longer around? Life insurance can pay off your home mortgage so your loved ones are never without a place to call home.

College Tuition Icon - globe on a closed book

College Tuition

Finding a way to pay for college is increasingly difficult, but life insurance benefits can help cover the costs of tuition, books, and room and board.

Childcare Costs Icon - A B C stacked blocks

Childcare Costs

Between daycare or private school tuitions, extracurricular activities, and nanny or babysitter payments, childcare costs add up quickly. Life insurance benefits can help cover childcare needs.

Final Expenses Icon - hand holding an umbrella over a headstone

Final Expenses

Your family will be dealing with a lot of grief. They shouldn’t also have to worry about how to pay the expensive funeral and burial costs – life insurance can help with final expenses.

Existing Debt Icon - generic person with a speaking bubble containing dollar signs

Existing Debt

Your debts don’t really die with you. Existing credit card debt can be complicated for your loved ones, but your life insurance payout can make it easier.

Day-to-day Expenses Icon - money in an open envelope

Day-to-day Expenses

Extra expenses like housekeeping, auto repairs, monthly bills, medical payments and more can take up a lot of your budget. Life insurance benefits can help you get through the everyday costs.

The best time to get life insurance is now.

Secure life insurance now and plan ahead for life’s greatest moments.

Approaching Retirement Icon - palm tree

Approaching retirement

If you have a spouse or family that is dependent on your income, you need to make sure you have adequate insurance before reaching retirement.

Recently Married Icon - red heart shape

Recently married

For better or worse, newlyweds should consider life insurance so they can support each other financially should one spouse pass away.

Starting a Family Icon - generic, pregnant woman

Starting a family

When growing your family, you absolutely need life insurance. Ask yourself, “If I were to die today, how much money would I need to take care of my dependents?” Life insurance is protecting the future of your family.

Buying a Home Icon - house with large leaves above it

Buying a home

A home is a smart investment but one that comes with a lot of financial responsibility. Life insurance can help your family handle the financial obligations that come with a mortgage if you’re no longer around.

The Best Time is Now Icon - generic analog, round clock

The best time is now…

You don’t need a life event to get life insurance. The best time to get life insurance is NOW. Your health is the number one determining factor when it comes to premium rates, so getting life insurance now will protect your insurability. You don’t know what the future holds, so don’t wait.

Download File Icon - down arrow pointing into an Inbox

Download Life Needs Analysis

Your life insurance needs may seem confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Download this form to help you determine how much life insurance you may need.

Protect your loved one’s future today with life insurance from Alfa Insurance.

Start my term life quote    

Life Insurance FAQs

Permanent policies can last your lifetime without expiration (assuming all premiums are paid and the policy does not over loan), and term plans are given a designated time, usually 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years. Consider term policies like renting a house and permanent policies like buying a house. Your agent can help you determine which of the two main types of life insurance is right for you.

Group life insurance policies are generally smaller policies typically only covering the amount of one to two years of your annual salary or funeral expenses. Your life insurance needs are likely much more than that, so it’s recommended for most to get an additional life insurance policy. And if you leave your job, your death benefits do not travel with you, so consider that if you think your job’s life insurance is enough.

Yes. If one partner dies, do you want to change your family’s lifestyle to live on one income? And if your spouse does not work, think of all things you’d likely have to hire out if he or she is no longer here to do them (i.e. childcare, cooking, cleaning, etc.).

Generally, life insurance payouts to the beneficiary are not taxable. Death benefits are typically not subject to income tax, and the named beneficiary can receive the benefits in multiple forms, including a lump sum. Your tax advisor can assist you with any tax implications.

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