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Final Expenses Plan

A plan to deal with the unexpected in life, the Final Expenses Plan is often used to assist with covering final medical, burial or other expenses.

Final Expenses Plan -Older couple sitting on park bench

Why Final Expenses Coverage?

  • Coverage from $5,000 - $15,000
  • Quick issue with no medical exam
  • Available for ages 15-80
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This policy is not a funeral or burial contract. The policy does not guarantee that its proceeds will be sufficient to pay for any particular services or merchandise at time of need nor that services or merchandise shall be provided by any particular provider.

Final Expenses Plan - Older couple sitting on park bench

Final Expenses Plan

A plan to deal with the unexpected in life, the Final Expenses Plan is often used to assist with covering final medical, burial or other expenses.

  • Coverage from $5,000 - $15,000
  • Quick issue with no medical exam
  • Available for ages 15-80
Call to start your quote    

This policy is not a funeral or burial contract. The policy does not guarantee that its proceeds will be sufficient to pay for any particular services or merchandise at time of need nor that services or merchandise shall be provided by any particular provider.

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