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Set Up EFT For Life

EFT is a convenient and automatic way to pay your Alfa bill. Your premium will be drafted from your bank account on your scheduled due date. Never worry about missing a payment again! Follow the steps below to set up EFT. 

Step 1
Click here to download and print the EFT Authorization Agreement.

Step 2
Complete, sign and date the agreement.

Step 3
Attach your banking Information.

  • If your payment is being drafted from a checking account - A voided check with payor's name and address or signed letter from bank providing payor's banking information must be attached to form. Starter checks, checking deposit slips, direct deposit information or bank card information cannot be accepted.
  • If your payment is being drafted from a savings account - A savings deposit slip with payor's name or signed letter from bank providing payor's savings account bank information must be attached to form.

Step 4

Mail the EFT Authorization Agreement and banking Information to:

Alfa Insurance
P.O. Box 11000
Montgomery, AL 36191-0001
Attn: Life PAC


Take the EFT Authorization Agreement and banking Information to your local Alfa service center.

For questions or assistance, please call us at 1-800-964-2532 or contact your local Alfa service center.