Our Core 4

Every company is driven by values, and Alfa® is no different. We have refined our company’s values to four principles that guide our team members. We call them our Core 4, and these were not decided on by executives, but by the more than 2,600 employees of Alfa. Through a company-wide survey, these four values were determined to be the most important to our team – Faith. Family. Community. Integrity.
These are our Core 4, and these are the words we live by.
Encouraging Alfa team members to express their beliefs by loving others, acting justly, and practicing humility.
Fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust, encouragement, support and accountability among our Alfa team members and customers.
Engaging our neighbors through service, philanthropy, and volunteerism while embracing Alfa’s rich heritage.
Keeping honesty, respect, and dependability at the heart of our actions by putting people first and being good stewards of our resources.
Alfa Insurance Executive Vice President of Operations Tommy Coshatt says, “At the core of any organization’s success is a commitment to strong values. As it has for over 75 years, our commitment to the Core 4 will ensure Alfa continues to positively impact the communities we serve.”
Our Core 4 is only part of what makes Alfa great, but that’s not the only part. Discover what makes Alfa different.