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Finding Your Policy Information

What is my Policy Number?

Your Policy Number is a unique number used to identify a specific policy. If you have multiple policies with Alfa, you will have multiple policy numbers.

When creating a new MyAlfa® account, you’ll be asked to provide one policy number. However, you will be able to attach all your policies to your account after you finish setting up MyAlfa.

What is my Member/Customer Number?

Your Member Number (Alabama customers only) is a unique number assigned to you after purchasing a membership through the Alabama Farmers Federation.

Customer Numbers are assigned to Georgia and Mississippi customers to uniquely identify you and your policy information.


How do I find these numbers?

Your Member/Customer & Policy numbers can be found on many of your Alfa policy and billing documents.

We’ll show you where to find these numbers on some of the most common documents below:


Auto, Property & Other Policies

Auto Policy Declaration: Example of the policy number and member number on an auto declaration page.

Auto ID Card: Example of the policy number located on the ID Card.

Billing Notice: Policy Number and Membership number on the billing notice.

Homeowners Evidence of Insurance: Policy number located on homeowners evidence of insurance page.

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