7 Ways to Save on Auto Insurance

There are several well-known discounts that can help you save on auto insurance—adding occupational discounts, taking Driver’s Ed and so on. But there are still many more ways to help you put more money in your pocket than into your policy.
Check out these seven tips for how to save on auto insurance, and see how many you can use to help push down your premium. They involve everything from your insurance policies to your credit rating, from the car you drive to how much you drive it (or don’t).
1. Set a higher deductible.
By increasing the dollar amount of your deductible (what you pay out of pocket in the event of an accident before your coverage kicks in), you’ll enjoy a lower monthly premium.
2. Reduce your coverage on older cars.
A car loses value the moment you drive it off the lot. If you own a car that’s been around the block, you may be over-insuring it—and overpaying on your premium—compared to what it’s really worth.
3. Bundle your home and auto coverage.
Many insurance companies offer discounts on your insurance premiums if you purchase homeowners’ insurance and auto insurance from them.
4. Maintain a good credit score.
A good credit score is a factor and one with a long credit history are factors in your overall insurance score and can help you get a discount on your auto insurance.
5. Keep a clean driving record.
A clean driving record will earn you a lower premium.
6. Choose a lower-premium vehicle.
In other words, ditch the sports car or any high-end vehicle that criminals crave, and go with something more simple, yet safe and reliable. NerdWallet and The Balance recently posted what they found to be the cheapest cars to insure.
7. Drive less.
By carpooling or using public transportation, you could earn a low mileage discount.
Nobody wants to pay more for their auto insurance if they can help it; but customers should be wary of cheap car insurance and make sure they have the full coverage insurance they need. You can still find ways to save on quality insurance coverage. By taking advantage of these ways to save on your premiums, you’ll find yourself hitting the road with a little more satisfaction and a lot more moolah to call your own.
Alfa® offers an extensive line of coverage options and discounts to help you save on auto insurance. Contact your local Alfa agent today to discuss these and other ways we can help you save.