GET - In Google Play
Coverage Length
10, 15, 20, 25, & 30 Years
Best for Ages
0 – 70
Death Benefit Amount
$80,000 and up
Medical Exam Required
An affordable option that allows you to purchase large amounts of coverage at reasonably priced rates.
Coverage Length
30 Years
Best for Ages
6 – 50
Death Benefit Amount
$50,000 and up
Medical Exam Required
This option is ideal for those who think they will outlive their policy. This term policy provides coverage and gives your base premiums and policy fees back to you at the end of the 30-year term (excluding premium for riders, benefits, extra life premiums/rate ups and modal fees). Even canceling before the term expires may allow you to receive some cash value back.
Coverage Length
10, 20, & 30 Years
Best for Ages
18 – 70
Death Benefit Amount
$25,000 and $75,000
No Medical Exam Required
Rapid issue term plan is a simplified option with an easy application process and does not require a medical exam. This policy does allow for a period of conversion to a permanent plan of insurance.
Term Life FAQs